Messi to leave FC Barcelona to play for FC Chelsea?

It is no secret that Messi has had his trouble with the law lately and that has made the FC Barcelona officials worried that, that may cause him to leave the team and go to play for FC Chelsea. It was rumoured that Messi’s father Jorge met with Roman Abramovich (the owner of Chelsea) on his yacht, after Messi was found guilty of tax frauds.
Javier Tebas, the president of Spain’s - La Liga had this to say when asked about Messi possibly leaving- “Of course I’m afraid. The LFP (Spanish football league) doesn’t believe he’s guilty and we’re delighted to have him."

It is reported that Chelsea may even pay £100 million in order to get the Barcelona striker to make the big move. And according to different articles online, there has been confirmation that Roman Abramovich does want to make this Messi transfer happen, though it is still not sure whether Messi and his Father (who is also his manger) want to take his offer. However with La Liga and the Premier League to begin soon, we should be hearing a response soon.

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